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Discover your
movement potential!

Animal what?

Animal Flow is a 'movement practice' that consists in moving close to the ground in a dynamic motion. It contains a series of movements and transitions that take us fluidly from one pose to another.
Animal Flow is a quite new practice but it got a lot of inspiration from other movement disciplines such as calisthenics, capoeira, yoga and contemporary dance. Just as the name suggests, in many postures we use both feet and hands as a support, also often referred to as 'quadrupedal movement'. Once you have mastered a number of movements, you can combine them in many different ways to tap into your 'state of flow' ;-)

Is Animal Flow for me?

Animal Flow's slogan is 'Movement for Every Body'.
The movements are built up in an accessible and step-by-step manner with options for variations that are less physically demanding and vice versa. Every person with a minimal basic condition and desire to get a taste of this atypical workout is welcome. Animal Flow stands for a very complete way of moving: flexibility, strength, coordination and endurance are put to the test. A first session may reveal weak links: the crossfitter who is confronted with his/her limited flexibility or the yogi who notices that he or she still lacks some strength for certain movements. This way Animal Flow is a nice addition to your personal sports routine ;-) 


“...It is when we act freely, for the sake of the action itself rather than for ulterior motives, that we learn to become more than what we were.”
― Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience


Give it a go!

Animal Flow is for many athletes a connection from the first moment. But it starts to become really fun once you're able to create your own flows or you're flowing in a group. To master the basic movements and transitions, there are the 'Introduction to Animal Flow – workshops' .
Two 90-minute sessions in which we introduce the most frequent movements step-by-step and provide movement insights you need to get started with a first coordinated flow. Let's do it? 

Animal Flow ® is a registered trademarks of Global Bodyweight Training, LLC. Used with permission

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